Bit by Bit





Time is Money and Time Lost is Money Lost.

This statement is the foundation for Bit by Bit's business philosophy.


Think about it , you went into business to make money, not worry about your technology. Yet technology plays an important role in even the most non-technical business. If it is streamlining an accounting process, keeping up with inventory or simply emailing customers, technology touches your business in more ways than you know.


Unfortunately however, technology breaks and when it does it takes time away from you and money away from your business. How much time have you lost in the past year???

  • Finding a Vendor for your computer and/or data needs?
  • Scheduling a Vendor for your phone and/or voice needs?
  • Managing a Vendor for your website and/or web hosting?


The list goes on and on. The point is all of this is time lost and thus is costing you and you're your business money on top of anything the vendor may charge. Bit by Bit can help give you that time and money back by simply getting you back to your business faster.


At Bit by Bit we have the skills and resources necessary to assist with any of your technology platforms. Our staff hold multiple IT Certifications and are committed to correcting your issue, fast and right the first time. If for some reason we do not have the skills or manpower necessary to address your immediate needs, we can turn to our established network of prescreened vendors, not to worry though Bit by Bit will stand behind the work of our vendors and you will always have us as your single point of contact to handle all billing, scheduling and vendor management issues that may arise.


Data, Voice, Web, and everything in between at Bit by Bit we have you covered.